Delete retweets and replies
Search and delete retweets and replies in one go. Take advantage of our advanced filters to find retweets and replies you want to get rid of
Isolate tweets, retweets and replies all in one place
Filter tweets by most reposted posts (or retweeted tweets)
High-speed! 300+ tweets deleted in 5 min vs. others, only 16 tweets
Filter tweets by most liked posts (or tweets)
Delete retweets, tweets, or replies with one click
Over 1,360,240 users have already deleted 1,020,265,991 tweets
Please note that tweets you select to delete through service are deleted permanently from X / Twitter without an option to restore them!
How to search by X posts / tweets, reposts (retweets), or post-tweet replies
Searching for something is always a hassle. And we want to help you as much as possible.
With this feature you'll be able to browse your X / Twitter archive history based on type of content – be that by X posts / tweets, reposts (retweets), or replies. On top of that, you can filter that content by popularity and engagement – how many reposts (retweets), likes, or comments received.
Select “my X posts” to only see X posts / tweets that you've published on X / Twitter. Select “only retweets (reposts)” to see what you've reposted / retweeted, and perhaps – inherently endorsed. This is a useful tool to identify any potential discrepancies of opinion that you might not share anymore. Select “only replies” to see the commentary you've offered on X / Twitter. Identify which beef you might not want to be available online anymore, select what doesn't meet “today you's” standards, and delete the chaff with one click.
With this feature you'll be able to browse your X / Twitter archive history based on type of content – be that by X posts / tweets, reposts (retweets), or replies. On top of that, you can filter that content by popularity and engagement – how many reposts (retweets), likes, or comments received.
Select “my X posts” to only see X posts / tweets that you've published on X / Twitter. Select “only retweets (reposts)” to see what you've reposted / retweeted, and perhaps – inherently endorsed. This is a useful tool to identify any potential discrepancies of opinion that you might not share anymore. Select “only replies” to see the commentary you've offered on X / Twitter. Identify which beef you might not want to be available online anymore, select what doesn't meet “today you's” standards, and delete the chaff with one click.
Can I also search X posts / tweets that I have liked (favourited)?
Absolutely! That's a different feature, you can learn more about it here. You can use the same powerful search tool to filter out the X posts / tweets you've liked (aka favourited) and unlike what you want to. You can unlike X posts / tweets in bulk, and even set up automatic X / Tweet unliking for an extra layer of protection and privacy.
Can I choose to delete only less-popular X posts / tweets and reposts (retweets)?
Yes! You can use our advanced sorting options and filter X posts / tweets based on engagement they received – how many X reposts / retweets, comments, and likes they received. Select the ones you don't want to keep and delete them with a few clicks. Curate your X / Twitter profile and put your best foot forward. Not to mention, it's just plain fun to take a scroll through your most popular X posts / tweets and bask in the warm glow of social media acknowledgement.
Step by step guide
how to search X posts / tweets, reposts (retweets), and replies
Step 1
Log in with your X / Twitter account
Log in to TweetDeleter with your X / Twitter account to retrieve your posts / tweets
Step 2
Upload your X Post / Tweet Archive
If you want to manage more than 100 your latest X posts / tweets you'll need to upload your X / Twitter archive to gain access to the older X posts / tweets. Learn more about how to upload and delete tweet archive.
Step 3
Choose a type of X post / tweet you want to explore
Choose to browse only X posts / tweets, reposts (retweets), or replies
Step 4
Use our advanced sorting options to find your best X posts / tweets
Sort X posts / tweets by most reposts / retweets or likes. Delete X posts / tweets that have flopped or the opposite – garnered a little bit too much attention. Up to you!
Related frequently asked questions
Why can't I search X posts / tweets by post-tweet type?
Searching X posts / tweets by post / tweet type is only available for paid plans – either Standard, Advanced or Unlimited plans.
Join the TweetDeleter family and gain access to the most powerful X / Twitter search engine and bulk X post / tweet deleting tool.
Why can't I find X posts / tweets that I've liked?
In order to search and browse X posts / tweets you've liked you need to select the “Liked tweets” filter in the dashboard. This feature is also only available to paid users.
How do I delete all my retweets? Is there a way to mass delete retweets?
To delete all your retweets or mass delete retweets, you can use TweetDeleter's search and delete functionality.
Simply specify the criteria for the retweets you want to delete, such as date range or keywords, and TweetDeleter will take care of the rest.
How do you delete a reposted tweet?
To delete a reposted tweet (retweet), you can use TweetDeleter's search and delete functionality.
Simply search for the retweeted tweet using keywords or other criteria, and then delete the retweet using TweetDeleter's deletion feature.
Can you see deleted retweets?
Yes, with TweetDeleter's Deleted Tweets Archive feature, you can view deleted retweets.
This feature allows you to access and view all tweets, including retweets, that have been deleted from your account.
How do you delete all your tweets and retweets at once?
To delete all your tweets and retweets at once, you can use TweetDeleter's advanced search and delete functionality.
Simply specify the criteria for the tweets and retweets you want to delete, and TweetDeleter will delete them all in one go.
How do you mass delete replies on Twitter?
To mass delete replies on Twitter, you can use TweetDeleter's search and delete functionality.
Simply specify the criteria for the replies you want to delete, such as date range or keywords, and TweetDeleter will delete them all in one go.
Can people see deleted Twitter replies?
Deleted Twitter replies may still be visible to users who have already seen them or who have access to third-party archives.
However, they will no longer be visible on your Twitter profile once deleted.
How do you delete old tweets and replies?
To delete old tweets and replies, you can use TweetDeleter's search and delete functionality.
Simply specify the criteria for the tweets and replies you want to delete, such as date range or keywords, and TweetDeleter will delete them for you.
What X post / tweet sorting options are available?
You can filter X posts / tweets based on two factors. The first – by date (oldest to youngest and vice versa) as well as by engagement – how many likes and reposts (retweets) they've received.
Can retweets be deleted?
Yes, retweets can be deleted using TweetDeleter's advanced features, which allow users to search for and delete retweets they no longer wish to have on their timeline.